Say hello to Democracy
We help membership groups make important decisions at large-scale, together in real time.
How it works
Got a conference to run? Need voting?
Democracy’s secure video and voting platform makes it easy.
Real time voting
Fast, secure, real time voting either fully online or combining online with an in-person event, customised to your rules.
Online and hybrid
Choose fully online or combine the buzz of in person voting with the speed and security of digital voting.
High quality video
Live speakers stream in high quality, glitch-free video. Event facilitators can call anyone to speak.
Designed from the start with accessibility in mind. Live signing and subtitling functions built in.
Secure voting
Many voting systems are already supported and we can customise for your rulebook. Open voting and once the desired time has elapsed, see the results instantly.
Drag 'n' drop timeline
Lay out your event clearly from start to finish. Drop in speeches, votes and pre-recorded videos in running order. Make changes easily as you go.
Hybrid option
Big in-person events don’t work for everyone. We believe hybrid events help more people participate in ways that work for them.
With just a screen, a projector, a person to film your speakers and a person to run Democracy, it’s surprisingly easy to make a hybrid event happen.
Democracy at the heart of your conference
Adopting a new piece of software to run your biggest event of the year might feel daunting. But with Democracy you’re in safe hands. More than 150,000 votes have been cast across conferences for GMB, NEU, TSSA and many more.
Let’s talk
We'd love to learn about your event and show you what Democracy can do. Get in touch at hello@changelab.io
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